India is a land of foodies. Food is one important factor that makes our events remarkable. Even wedding events in our country are judged by the quality of food. “The food was awesome” or “The food was not worth it” are the common statements that we do hear from people returning back from the wedding events. Hence, in a country like ours, Wedding Caterers play a very important role in every wedding function.
WedAbout has curated the list of things that you should keep in mind before hiring a Wedding Caterer.
Your budget is very important. Consider your budget, before hiring a Wedding Caterer. There are many caterers that might be a little too costly for your pocket. Don’t waste your time looking for such caterers. Make a list of Wedding Caterers that fall under your defined budget. And then start your search of the best wedding Caterer from among them.
Many venues have a preferred list of wedding caterers. Ask their recommendations. Look out for a caterer that suits your requirement. A Wedding caterer who has already served in your chosen venue can be of great help. But if you don’t find any of the recommended caterers that fulfill your requirements, then feel free to look out of the list.
Make sure to taste the sample food before finalizing your Wedding Caterer. It is always better to ask for the samples of classic dishes that are usually the part of every wedding menu. Do ask your family members to take part in a tasting session. A unanimous decision is always the best decision.
Ask the wedding caterers about each and every service that is offered by the caterer. Also, consider the pricing of each and every service separately. Do not fall prey to any shrewd caterer. Be very alert and carefully consider every aspect and services offered by the caterer.
Avoid Wedding Caterers having multiple bookings on the same day as your booking. With the caterers having multiple bookings, there are chances that they might not be able to give complete attention to your event. They might hurry up things, and might not be able to do justice to your event. This might lead to several wedding disasters.
Read all the terms and condition and understand them carefully. Read all the payment schedules, cancellation policy, changes to guest count and menu, and other related policies very cautiously. Having a clear understanding of these policies and terms and conditions can avoid a number of disputes that may crop later on.
If in doubt, clear it. Get all your queries cleared beforehand. Ask as many questions as possible to your Wedding Caterer. If possible, prepare a questionnaire to avoid missing out on any query. A Your questions are very important to have a clear picture of all the services your Wedding caterer offers.
Do check out our curated list of caterers on the WedAbout App on Android and iOS
Also, read our blogs:
5 Crazy Things To Include In Wedding Menu
4 Must Have Sweet Dishes In Your Menu
4 Things You Should Never Serve As Your Wedding Food